Cricket Farming, Cricket Flour Blog, Press, Recipes
Have you checked out this National Geographic video yet? I was just searching this morning for some videos on eating insects for a presentation and came across a piece put together by the National Geographic channel on eating bugs and entomophagy. While it was 9-years...
Cricket Flour Blog, Recipes
Our team loves to collaborate and create new recipes, dishes, limited product releases, and really just work toward creating new ways for people to try cricket flour and edible insects in new ways. So when USA Pears reached out about working together on new recipes...
Books, Cricket Flour Blog, Insect News, Press, Recipes
This morning we came in the Cricket Flours offices, and came across a news article from The Dallas Morning News in their Arts & Life section talking about cricket flour or cricket powder and how to get started with an article titled, “Jumpy about eating...
Cricket Flour Blog, Press
This morning we came across a recent article from Eater covering the topic of edible insects authored by Susmita Baral asking, “What Will It Take for Americans to Eat Insects?” We think this a great question that received some true insights from people...
Cricket Flour Blog, Recipes
This past week our team decided to revisit our Spiced French Toast recipe. A delicious brunch staple, this french toast recipe is quick and tasty using a terrific blend of flavors including cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, cricket protein, strawberries, and more! Whether...