Yesterday we came across a great article discussing body building by using edible insects and eating insect protein as part of the diet. While this is something we talk about at our presentations and live events, it is great to see coverage of the topic from a traditional source of body building information such as
The article provides insights into a new protein source that some people may not have considered before. While slated at new, eating insects is really a rediscovery of what our ancestors and current cultures use as a sustainable source of protein. Eating insect protein and cricket flour or cricket powder is a great way to get protein, B2, B5, B6, B7, B9 B12, calcium, zinc, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, and more. In addition to the protein and minerals, there is a also a great source of Omega-3s and 6s that can help fuel workouts and nutrition.
The article also presents the sustainable benefits for using insects as a source of protein to feed the growing population by 2050.
While they mention that living in the western hemisphere it is hard to come by insect protein, our company makes it that much easier by shipping directly to our customers! So to read the full article make sure to check out the link below, and check out our Cricket Flour Shop for those interested in looking to buy cricket flour and we would love to help you out with your body building and recipe needs!
See the full article at:
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