This past weekend our team had the honor of helping to host the grand opening of the Portland Rock Gym’s new expansion at their facilities in downtown Portland, Oregon. The Portland Rock Gym has been locally owned since 1988, and is a great place of people of all climbing levels to learn climbing, bouldering, and more throughout their facility. There are after school programs, classes, trips, and more that are available through the Portland Rock Gym and at their website at
On September 26th, 2015 from 12pm-9pm, the Portland Rock Gym and our Cricket Flours team celebrated the new expansion at their facilities of a brand new climbing space nicknamed, “El Toro.” There was a lot of great giveaways, events, competitions, prizes, and more throughout the whole day. However, the Cricket Flours team was also excited to announce the release of a brand new product and flavor that will soon be hitting store shelves with our new Cricket Bites Maple Almond flavor.
Over the past few months, our team has been partnering up with an amazing executive chef to craft a new packaged product that will be called a Cricket Bite. The Cricket Bite is basically a healthy cake pop. Each Cricket Bite is crafted and designed to be gluten free, soy free, organic, and non-GMO so that we can bring you some of the best ingredients to give you an added boost of protein and nutrition. Our first flavor release will be our Cricket Bites: Maple Almond, and we had a great time at the event showcasing our different Cricket Flours products and allowing people to sample the Cricket Bites. Many of whom this was their first experience trying Cricket Flours products and tasting our cricket protein packed goods.
We will be releasing the new packaging and product line on our website later this week, but thanks again for everyone that was able to make it out to the event to stop by our table to say, try a Cricket Flours sample, or attempted to scale the new “El Toro” climbing structure at the Portland Rock Gym!