Welcome to OMSI Bug WEEK 2018!
We are excited to be a part of this years OMSI Bug Week 2018 and are looking forward to hanging out with families all across Oregon and Washington. For the full week of Spring Break, OMSI has put together an amazing line up at their Life Science Lab and our team will be there personally on March 27th so make sure to come stop by and say hi!
Each day there are a host of different activities throughout the science museum and different events for each day of Bug Week 2108. To see the full updated list of events make sure to check out the OMSI event page by clicking here, or we have included a list of events as well below. But make sure to check back in for updates and any additions as we get closer to the event!
OMSI Bug Week 2018 Event Lineup
Check out the full updated schedule here as well: https://omsi.edu/calendar/bug-week
Tuesday, March 27: Eat Bugs with Cricket Flours and OMSI Food Science Staff
Cricket Flours is Oregon’s first edible insect company with a focus on great products and sustainable ingredients. Make sure to stop by our tables for a chance to win our Cricket Gift Basket (worth over $75) and get your FREE digital copy of our published, “Cricket Flour Cookbook: All Cricket, No BULL…”
Wednesday, March 28: Keep Oregon Bee Friendly with Oregon Bee Project
Did you know Oregon has over 500 species of bees, including four species that are actively managed in ingenious ways for crop pollination? Come and see these bees up close, learn who they are and some of the weird and wonderful features of their lives. Also learn about the Oregon Bee Project, a statewide initiative to keep Oregon bee-friendly led by Oregon State University, Oregon Department of Agriculture and Oregon Department of Forestry.
Thursday, March 29:Mosquitos in Multnomah County!
Come learn more about Mosquitos with Multnomah County Vector Control. Participate in hands on activities and demonstrations for all ages! We will show you how Multnomah County Vector Specialists find, categorize and reduce mosquitos in our community.
Friday, March 30: Explore the diversity of bugs from Portland Insectarium
The Portland Insectarium: A unique museum experience exploring the interactions between nature, culture, science and art – all through the exciting micro world of bugs!
Saturday, March 31: Help Provide Habitat for Pollinators with Bee and Bloom
Did you know there are over 4,000 different bee species native to North America? Prior to the introduction of the European honeybee, it was these native species that were responsible for all our crop pollination, and they still play a crucial role in natural and urban ecosystems alike. Visit the Bee & Bloom station at OMSI for Bug Week 2018 to learn about the bees in your own backyard, how they live, and how they contribute to our lives.