Entomophagy generally refers to the human consumption of insects or bugs as a food source. The definition of entomophagy is based on Greek roots of the words, entomon for “insects,” and phagein for “to eat.” The entomophagy definition generally refers to humans that eat insects for food, however other animals that eat insects are referred to as insectivores.
While there are numerous traditional cultures that practiced entomophagy, eastern cultures remain the highest consumers of insects as a food source in our current society. However, recent trends in entomophagy have brought insects into the western parts of the world as companies have began to create new food products such as cricket energy bars, chips made from cricket flour, cricket protein powder, cricket chocolate, and a whole assortment of entomophagy products and categories.
If you are looking for a great primer on edible insects and the future of food, the FAO put together a great report that provide an amazing amount of insights and details that you can check out HERE. Let us know if you have any questions, and don’t forget to check out our fun edible insect recipes and range of products that use roasted crickets, mealworms, black soldier fly larvae, and more in our shop at www.CricketFlours.com/shop!
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