Why We Should Eat More Bugs

Eating Insects is the Future In this video created by BuzzFeed titled, “Why We should Eat More Bugs,” individuals are exposed to eating bugs for the first time.  Around the world there are over a thousand different types of edible bugs ranging from...

Insects as Food – Should We Eat Bugs?

Insects as Food In a recent video produced for TED-Ed by Emma Bryce called, “Should we eat bugs?” the topic of eating insects for food is main the focus.  Historically, our ancestors have been eating insects as food for centuries.  Eating insects as food...

Why Not Eat Bugs

We posted this video on our LinkedIn page, but make sure to check out this amazing TED talk about the future of Entomophagy! It originally aired in 2010 and was the talk that inspired Chapul to start making protein bars out of crickets! At Cricket Flours, we post a...